Treehouse Construction Project
Treehouse! This year in our homeschool, we are doing a construction class. We are learning a lot about building techniques and we have the opportunity to build something that we have been wanting for a long time–a treehouse!
This is our first blog post about this project so we are going to talk about what we have done so far from the beginning to where we are now.
Step 1 – Picking and prepping the area
The first thing we did was choose where we were going to put the treehouse and then prepare the tree for construction. We chose a good size oak tree with lots of room around it. We had to decide how big the treehouse was going to be and trim back some of the limbs that were going to be in the way. The design that we came up with is about 8 feet by 8 feet plus a 4 foot porch on the front and even a walkway on the side.
After the tree was prepped, our dad put a beam on the tree at about 6 feet high. (Dad had to do that because he is tall.)
Step 2 – The Posts
The next thing that we did was measure and mark the ground where the posts would be. We used stakes and string line to mark and square the area. Once we found exactly where the posts would be, dad dug the holes. (Because he is strong). When the holes were dug, we put the posts in place and then staked them off so they wouldn’t move while the concrete was drying. Then we mixed up the concrete and poured and shoveled it into the holes.

After we got the concrete in the holes, we had to call it a day so that the concrete could harden.
Step 3 – Floor Framing

When the concrete was hard, we were able to work on the floor framing for the treehouse. The first thing that we did was put up two beams between the posts. The beams are the support for the floor joists to rest on.
We had to use the level and make sure that the beams were completely level so that the floor will be level.

Mom and dad also showed us how to ‘crown’ the boards. All boards curve a little bit and it is important to make sure that the crown is up before you put them in place.

After we got the beams secured, then we started putting the joists up. Floor joists are the boards that sit on top of the beams and the treehouse will be built on top of there.
After we got the floor framing put together, Mason took off all of the stakes and supports that were holding the posts in place.

Step 4 – Decking the Treehouse floor
Once the floor framing was done, we climbed up with a ladder and screwed down the decking on top of the floor joists. We used 4 foot by 8 foot sheets of 3/4″ plywood. We learned that there is a very good reason to measure and make sure that all the framing boards are in the right place. Because if the floor joists weren’t in the right place, we would have had a hard time making the plywood fit.
We had to use a bunch of screws to make sure that the plywood was attached very well to all of the joists. This is where the walls of the treehouse go so we wanted to make sure that everything was attached really tight.
What’s next?
The next steps are framing the walls of the treehouse and then getting the roof and siding on, plus decking the porch and building the stairs. There will actually be a lot more additions to it as well.
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